Notice how the sand has formed interesting frozen shapes. You can see where the water ran through it.
The obligatory group shot
We finally managed to spot some wildlife. Well, it wasn\'t technically alive ...
Time to relax and look out at the bay, before heading home.
The sun came out later in the morning, and reminded us why winter can be beautiful.
Pancakes for breakfast! The Scouts prepared the meals and cleaned up the dishes (note to parents: this proves that they do in fact know how to do this, no matter what they might say to the contrary).
An old non-working water tap peeks out from the carpet of snow.
The third and final day of our camp. This was taken in the morning before everyone woke up.
Our first night at the lodge. Everyone had just arrived. We went out shortly after this picture was taken and lit Chinese flying lanterns, which everyone enjoyed (no pictures unfortunately, since I was holding the lanterns instead of the camera).
The snowstorm did eventually calm down a bit.
As Day Two continued into evening, a strong snowstorm blew into the area. The boys went outside and tried to assemble a makeshift shelter against the wind and snow. Tarps just flew away, so they eventually barricaded themselves behind snow sleds and picnic tables :)
Toboganning on 8th Concession (don\'t worry, the road is closed in winter). The hill started off very slow because of the fresh snowfall, but it got patted down after enough people had gone down.